श्री लाल बहादुर शास्त्री शिक्षा संस्थान

बालिका उच्चतर माध्यमिक विद्यालय

(परमानंदपुर, शिवपुर , वाराणसी)

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Top Skills That Should Be Included in High School

High school is an important part of a student’s life. This stage decides their future. At this level, students learn about the subjects that will pave the way for their future education. For instance, if a student is good in Maths, he or she will have the options to either choose between the Science stream or Commerce stream, or Arts. Hence, it is important for the school and teachers to prepare them not just academically but with certain skills as well. These skills will enhance their learning capabilities, thought-process, and problem-solving abilities.

Top Skills High School Students Should Be Taught

1. Time Management

We all have got just 24 hours in a day. And, in those hours students have to do everything from going to school to attending all the eight or nine periods to coming back home and revising everything they learnt that day. Now, it is the teacher’s responsibility to make sure that they don’t get stuck in the loop which is only going to make them saturated and overworked. That’s where time management comes in. Teach them about the benefits of time management. Make them understand that even if they have a lot going on, they can still work things out if they divide their time properly. Instead of giving all their time to one or two subjects, they can divide the time by giving all their subjects an equal amount of study time.

2. Good Study Habits

–  Never skip any class and make sure that you learn the most right in the class. Try to clear all your doubts in the class.

–  Complete all the assignments in a timely manner. If you won’t then it will all just pile up and you will be under stress.

–  Make a habit of revising on a daily basis.

3. Note-making Habit

When you write down something you are doing two things at the same time – understanding and imprinting them in a memory slot of your mind.

Note-making is one of the best ways to learn something. Students think that this habit is a waste of time, but in reality, it is more beneficial than cramming a topic like a parrot. You can cram anything you want, but if you aren’t understanding the concept, it won’t lead you anywhere.

4. Be Organised

Being organised means, doing everything in order. This habit will save you a lot of time. Instead of preparing your school bag in the morning, do that before going to the bed. For instance, you don’t get up in the morning in time and have a really big test that day. It could happen that in a rush you might forget the subject’s books or notes. Organising your stuff beforehand will give you fewer worries in the morning. Also, will give you time to have a good breakfast. These were some top skills that high school students should learn in their life. These skills will not only help the students in their high school year but in the future as well. 

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